John Hewitt
11 August, 02:06
The sequel to Fall of the cabal Part 23 Whistleblower about hospital murders
THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 23 - Whistleblowers about Hospital murders
Part 23: Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times. Health Care Worker Whistleblowers about Money & Murder in Hospitals... By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Music: Whitesand, Ashamaluev, Alexander Nakarada If you liked this part, please consi.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Paula Taylor
11 August, 02:13
In response John Hewitt to his Publication
I have resisted sharing any of The Fall of the Cabal series, as I thought most people would disregard and/or be in such disbelief that they would not even listen to any other warnings - I think it is is the latest - I would recommend watching the whole series..the truth must get out:
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Paula Taylor
11 August, 03:25
In response John Hewitt to his Publication
thank you!
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