I experienced something incredible. As a small child in 1964 I and a friend buried an iron box somewhere in the meadows a few kilometers from our village containing some small items that were important to us. The most important object was a medal from President Kennedy. We felt it was important that this object would be found by later generations. Yesterday I went for a bike ride with a friend in that area, which now looks completely different and industrialized. The stream next to the meadow and some oak trees were still there. He then said that he had recently been here with the metal detector and had gotten a "big ping" near the trees. He has a very advanced metal detector and he said the signal sounded most like something from a metal box. Suddenly I remembered that I had buried a coffin with the medal there 60 years ago.... Fate brought me back to the treasure...
Soon we want to see if we can dig up the coffin... provided we get permission from the landowner.
Very special!
Soon we want to see if we can dig up the coffin... provided we get permission from the landowner.
Very special!
10:38 AM - Jun 05, 2024
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