Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
30 November, 02:03
If you're serious about truth or accountability, be willing and serious about owning your own problems, apologize where it's necessary and change your behavior. The latter being important because an apology without change is just manipulation. Start matching your actions with your words, getting real with the role you played in creating your own toxic patterns and how much you participate in your own suffering. To those hurt by people with toxic behavior; spiritual maturity is owning and accepting you might not always get the answers or apologies for the things that hurt you...but you heal anways. Learn to accept that you can't force people to be remorseful for their selfish choices, so forgive them anyways and set boundaries for yourself to avoid being stuck in those loops. To give forgiveness you give up resentment and to accept forgiveness give up pride. 🤍

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