vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
16 February, 08:15
we cant go on doing the whole false being thing, we need to be what we genuinely are, with Gods presence in us thats some really good stuff.
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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
16 February, 08:15
God made the real you the world hid it behind a veil of deception it was to create slaves and division to hide their schemes in an attempt to take this world from us. the real you is an amazingly good person, i wish you the best in finding it. I think thats better than coffee for waking up to the spell you were under.
who has the righteousness to point a finger if someone stops being what they arent? the false being? no one. as all are in false being not realizing true being is divine. should be a good week of people proclaiming shift energies. To everyone thats messed with me in life, thats not your true self, your true self is really really good and you were sleeping.

humanity as a whole got sucked into the sewer and go off at each other like vicious animals but that isnt the truth of being thats the delusion we fell under, on the other side of that we are all very helpful to one another, thats the REAL truth of being.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
16 February, 08:14 (E)
You are only goodness, the rest is deception. false self versus real self.
AM visions
God did not make in mankind anything but goodness, everything else was satans deception and part of the great delusion of false self that would test mankind, remember you are good and forget the things that deceived you, they will be blotted out.

three weeks of just insisting on Gods spirit within being the only spirit and it was kinda hell honestly.

Deep staters need to read this God doesnt care what youve done , you werent the you he created but a false image of self contrived to separate you from God , the you he made is good through and through, if you can find it there may be somethings youve done that will revile you and you might ask " how could i have been so horrifically spelled?"

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
13 February, 06:27
one thing undoes the programming and that is the focus on Gods presence within, it literally heals all mental and emotional afflictions this world has programmed into us, id like for everyone to have that. You out, God in.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
07 February, 06:18
what if we were Gods of our own universes but let darkness go too far and we had to come back as a meatsack to learn it all over?

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
06 February, 08:21
dominion over the earth was given to us the generations of Adam, you simply take it back by command

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
06 February, 08:21
I command you satan surrender this earth to those assembled in light so that we may restore it to God. so be it . we simply cant rely on peoples awakening since most refuse to acknowledge it.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
06 February, 05:36
making the conscious decision to only be a vessel of the divine, recognizing all things not peace and love are just invasive spirits seeking to steal your power, is effective. A handful of us will do this, it will shift earths energy, everyone stuck in the animal mind may be left behind

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
04 February, 08:40 (E)
Gregg Braden lays it out, says the same things ive been saying in a different manner

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
04 February, 07:01
the only spiritual war there is , is in the human animal mind warring for domination over the divine mind, once a person realizes the two realms of influence and chooses to be a vessel of Gods mind, the war is ended.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
01 February, 02:45
Just an fyi i dont align with the vengeful justice seekers here or anywhere. ive been shown in too many visions what this is all about and id say that vengeance seeking people are the same as the cabal we are dealing with.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
01 February, 08:36
the more you focus on Gods goodness in you the closer youll get to renewal of what you were before you came to earth. Gods goodness in us is unassailable if it is the prime focus it will overcome all else.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
31 January, 08:15
Its taken a number of years of vision to boil it down to something simple regarding the spiritual authority God is in his presence in mankind over all spirits that arent from him, but in the last week it finally was given to me that when you focus on the goodness you have inside that is a focus on Gods spirit, acknowledging that empowers it over any other thought and attitude that isnt of God.
Through a silent mind and minds eye one can then have communion with Gods spirit within, as the eyes made singular is the minds eye and the discipline of silence affords the reception and the acknowledgement that Gods spirit within is your goodness, manifests its power over everything else.

You might just come into contact with the you you were when you came to earth and find your joy again. the other spirits like to take a person over but empowering the presence of the goodness in us is unassailable.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
31 January, 08:09
recognize the goodness in you is Gods spirit and focus on that in silence of mind. youre all eaten up by vengeful spirits against the establishment when none are exempt from living a false life that isnt the projection of the goodness of God in us and that spirit is insatiable, once unleashed most everyone will die.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
16 January, 04:55
a lot of us have come here and most people still identify as a corpse.
The Explanations Of The Gospel Of Thomas - Part II
DivineBase › ...
56) Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world." [When you become ...
To Know Christ Is To Know Yourself - Bill Donahue - YouTube

This Lecture is titled "To Know Christ Is To Know Yourself" by "Bill Donahue" - be sure to subscribe for daily uploads, Thank you for listening! IG - 1 : ht...

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
13 January, 04:54 (E)
us before coming here
This has been my mantra the last week or so with all the fuckery the spiritually damaged around me have put me through Gods response to this is it cant be just one, i was there i did that , it would be counter productive for it to be one again.

So i appeal to all you who are seeking earnestly to demand God give us back what we were before we came here, after all thats all we are looking for in the first place that this joke of a reality tricked us out of, I want me back and not this false realities spiritually damaged me the one that came here by choice to demand i come to what I AM.

That short glimpse that was muted after childhood by all this damage is not sufficient to have experienced the truth of I AM and i cant accept this damaged reality as one befitting me or useful to me. As is customary for these damaged ones to insist on not settling for less than the best of simple things of no effect , i too refuse to settle for less than I AM eternally.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
05 January, 06:56
awakening is the differentiation of the conditioning and programming versus your original state of being. In many cases the flash moment of the vision and experience of the original state of being is enhanced by a greater 'unity with all things' in terms of energetic identity. but to break it down simply its a recovery of the state you came here in that we dont know to preserve as children ( or adults) because the world simply hasnt operated in that function for thousands of years.

The worlds paradigms and operational motifs cause us to go into something of a survival slumber which is a purely slave class survivalist mechanization of the perception and self identification and external identification aspects of the self.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
01 January, 04:27
I felt a massive density of energy
kind of a trip yesterday morning after getting to work , i felt this massive energy like a weight on my whole person to some slight degree and in my minds eye it was made apparent to me it was all of us in Christ and we spoke.

The goal in these times is to wake as many as possible but the multitude is simply impossible, the deeply ingrained gut perceptions end any idea of most humans actually waking up spiritually, and this is what we discussed, i and the multitudes in Christ consciousness.

So it was given to me to suggest that perhaps the only avenue was a relentless assault on their consciousness with the quality of personhood they were as new being on earth, fresh from the forge, childhood memories and visions and dreams about being simpler and purer .

and after that the energy lessened.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
31 December, 05:39
The discipline of original being
I had some visions about it that ive started to put into practice and its all based on the idea that we deserve better, we deserve nothing less than the best actually. starting from within the self and our processing since Gods presence is in us we should settle for nothing less than the best in the complete dispensing of the ways mans paradigms and beliefs. This is tested by external things and ignorant people around us where we need to invoke Gods perfect presence as a response to everything.

We are not here to settle for less, for the pitiful pittance that is mankinds accepted norms on interactions and attitudes and desires for mind muddling inputs in media and all external things. Being of the highest divine we are earths royalty that deserves no less than the fluid pouring out into the world of the presence of God within us and we should settle for nothing less.
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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
29 December, 05:32
the presence of God is equal in all as is the oneness in Christ. every ah ha moment was in stillness where God provided, every oh it just came to me moment, every i was just thinking that moment. there is never a time we are alone without God and Christ. every i love this flavor or that animal or these woods or mountains is the state of origin God made in you.

every good 'oh wow, thats cool' or fascinating is from the personhood of origin God made in you. every drive in you that is fascinatingly driven, if you do a job you love thats all reliant on that original personhood

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
29 December, 10:32
Been getting a lot of visions about the state of origin we came to earth as and getting back to that as being the mega shift in the world and today and really the last week or two having other issues really stirring up my anger and other emotions and i know that anything not peace is a fabrication outside of the state of origin that consumes your energy/ Gods energy in you.

So this morning i finally put my foot down, visions visions, you still 100 percent the state of origin you were as a kid? no? because spirits other than peace violated it and it withdrew? I think its ok to be a little pissed and demand it be returned. Fkn done with this shtbag fake consciousness overlapping my state of origin.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
29 December, 09:30
visions visions, you still 100 percent the state of origin you were as a kid? no? because spirits other than peace violated it and it withdrew? I think its ok to be a little pissed and demand it be returned. Fkn done with this shtbag fake consciousness overlapping my state of origin.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
25 December, 05:42
they finally cover what ive been saying for years, the people in power KNOWINGLY sack us with demons
Episode 235 Jerry Marzinsky & Lynn Monet Dead Alcoholics, Spirit Parasites, and Baiting - YouTube

Lynn Monet is a nurse who has had the ability to see spirits since childhood. Her mother didn't discourage this. While in nursing school she did an interns...

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
21 December, 03:40
According to research, breaking a habit and rewiring neurons can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days, with an average of around 66 days, depending on the individual and the complexity of the habit; however, it's important to remember that this process is not instantaneous and requires consistent effort and repetition to see significant changes in behavior.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
21 December, 01:06
Visions the redirection of neural pathways
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Maintaining the course of spiritual awakening with silent mind, clear minds eye, clear heart and attitude is the process of physically rewiring the brain from all the damage the controllers info-plex has done, its why there are so many horror stories about waking up , you decide to align with going in a completely new direction that causes incorrect neural pathways to cease to exist. the power of source in you is literally creating new neural pathways.

Jesus said " you will do the things I have done and greater things than I have done"

"The kingdom is in you", but do you seek it?

the latter is the literal rewiring of neurons in the brain to get to the former.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
21 December, 01:05
Visions the redirection of neural pathways
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its intentional, the multi thousand year controllers of earth knew precisely what they were doing in directing our experiences on earth as they have by controlling how information is presented and the quality of the information.

I cant post it here but on my sub i could, it was a picture of some kind of scan of a "healthy " brain and a brain of someone thats suffered abuse. i saw it on X and it came like a flood to my minds eye and the presence of the word from source was there," theyve fully known what they were doing all along"

Information has been crafted for a very long time on earth to divert our neural pathways from an experience of our oneness with source which blocks all the abilities that come with that experience. literally nothing is out there directing you to a direct experience of source within. This really explains why there is a dark night of the soul and a feeling of connection coming and going.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
19 December, 07:37
The final decision
been a tough past 6 days of energy projections and visions and trying to figure out how to clarify them so this morning im in the downloads again and it comes clearly, " I am making the conscious decision to only allow the qualities of source/ God and i will command all else to surrender to God and depart.

upon getting that down load i am literally exhausted, which i exclaim to God and minutes later as is always the case the exhaustion is relieved. A lot has been done to manipulate us into this state but we have no obligation to it.

so all that has been done to my by others is forgiven, you cant carry their baggage and their blind manipulated state is its own wrecking force.
blessed be fams, free yourselves , the presence of source in us is the only authority. your faith and works are lovingly noted by God/ source.
staying in the state they manipulated in us is very bad, we need to return to the state we came in

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
18 December, 07:18
been a tough past 6 days of energy projections and visions and trying to figure out how to clarify them so this morning im in the downloads again and it comes clearly, " I am making the conscious decision to only allow the qualities of source/ God and i will command all else to surrender to God and depart.

upon getting that down load i am literally exhausted, which i exclaim to God and minutes later as is always the case the exhaustion is relieved. A lot has been done to manipulate us into this state but we have no obligation to it.

so all that has been done to my by others is forgiven, you cant carry their baggage and their blind manipulated state is its own wrecking force. you know whats hilarious is that someone reported me as being in a depressed state to reddit care lmao.

blessed be fams, free yourselves , the presence of source in us is the only authority. your faith and works are lovingly noted by God/ source.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
15 December, 11:53
we came here wiped clean of knowledge and knowledge was stolen away and hidden so that we could not retain the state we came in, and false knowledge was molded and fed to us to separate us further from the presence of God in us, or as it is written in the satanic bible,"the act of killing God"
separated incompatible notion= sin is perceiving things from a deceived state. one the soon to be former rulers of this world relied on for your complacence and division. You cant be deceived if you are focused on the kingdom of heaven within, in fact you will be shown everything.

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vernon nielsen @VernonNielsen
10 December, 06:19
Gods protection defined
The demons youve overcome become a standing army around you along with the angels that gave you the strength and perseverance to make it through the assault and then there is the presence of God in everyone which for wrong doers will take something of a vacation until a learning is established

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